Thursday 1 April 2010

How can you show that special girl that she really is special? Nothing can impress a woman more than a guy treating her as his princess.

How can you show that special girl that she really is special? Nothing can impress a woman more than a guy treating her as his princess.

  • Steps
  • 1. Don't tell her that she's fit or hot. Instead, tell her that she's pretty, gorgeous, or beautiful. Compliments like these sound more sincere, and will make the girl feel loved. But don't over compliment a girl, because you might just freak her out, or give the impression that you just want something from her in return for your kindness.
  • 2. Hold her hand a lot, wind your arm around her waist, kiss her cheek/forehead and hug her. This makes her feel protected and looked after, it also shows affection that girls love.
  • 3. Find out what her favorite flower is and send her a bunch! She will love it!
  • 4. Show that you care by trying to take part in the things that she loves doing, ex. going to see a chick flick, even if you think it will be boring.
  • 5. Ask her questions about her hobbies so she knows that you are interested in her. This will show her that you care about her interests.
  • 6. Tell her that she is the most special person in your life and that life would not have been complete without her. Be romantic, but not freaky.
  • 7. Sing romantic songs to her, even if your voice is horrible!
  • 8. Tell her that she is your first priority and that you would always keep her happy in time of need. And don't just say it, actually do it!
  • 9. Do what she wants, sometimes. But don't become her yes-man, as you'll come across as a push-over.
  • 10. If she is sad ask her how you can make it better, don't just sit there and say "I'm sorry" girls want a guy that can make them happy even when they are down.
  • 11. If she is late or forgets something wait for her, be patient and understanding. This will come to help you in the end as she will hopefully return the favor. Don't guilt her, especially if the first word she says is "Sorry." Guilting her only makes the encounter start off awkward.
  • 12. Send her random text messages like: 'I miss you, I'm thinking about you' etc. This will let her know that she is on your mind. But don't over do it! she'll think its cute but once it becomes a routine, she will start disliking it!
  • 13. Let her think she has won a disagreement it is really good for the ego.
  • 14. Respect and communication are also two other important keys into maintaining a healthy relationship.
  • 15. Honesty is the best key to winning her over.
  • 16. Love her for who she is and her beliefs because it is unlikely that she or her beliefs are going to change any time soon.
  • 17. No matter what is happening in your lives, be by her side and let her know that you are there to support her in every moment.

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